Monday 21 March 2016


1. Did you find our Music Video Emotional?

Y or N

2. Did you find the Black and White colour scheme effective?

Y or N

3. Did you emphasise with the characters?

Y or N

4. Do you think this follows conventions (common characteristics) of music videos?

Y or N

5. Do you think the footage fitted the music choice?

Y or N

6. Do you think our actors were effective in portraying emotions?

Y or N

7. What would you rate our music video out of 10?

Y or N


Monday 22 February 2016

Evaluation Questions

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

  • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

  • What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

  • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 
  • Final Music Video

    Footage we are not using

    We have decided we are not using the Smashing Bottles in our music video, as we feel like they haven't turned out the way we wanted them to look.

    We used an IPhone 6 as advised by our teachers due to the fact buying new equipment would be too expensive, we thought the footage would come out clear, however exporting it onto a Mac we lost nearly all the quality, it became all blurry and the slow motion was ineffective. We were going to redo the smashing bottles video however, we thought it would be too time consuming and wouldn't change the quality as we didn't have different equipment to use anyway. We also tried filming it without the slow motion and creating this effect on final cut, however the footage was jolty.

    Our music video limitations

    When creating our music video, we feel we came across many limitations in which we felt were out of our control to easily correct.

    Most of these limitations were due to the lack of effective equipment and the availability of software. 

    Examples of these were;

    The camera quality: Due to being students we found the quality of our camera could have negatively impacted our music video and the effectiveness of our footage. We found that some shots were not as clear as we would have desired them to be. Another problem was sharing these cameras with other students which affected our time slot in which we could use these pieces of equipment. 

    One massive problem we encountered due to the lack of software was to do with our plans to film slow motion shots of smashing bottles. We have explained this on another blog post. 

    Actors- Although our actors were extremely cooperative and enthusiastic, due to being students themselves (one of them was also a full time boarder, who was not permitted to leave the school site) we found the time available to actually film was limited. Therefore, this left us with less choice in where and when we can film. This was the reason for the darker shots, which we had to edit and change the brightness of our footage. We have explained this in more detail here 

    Due to all of these limitations hopefully you can understand better why some shots are not as clear as others or as could as they could be. For example the photo below, which with a wider availability of equipment and software and/or a wider choice of willing actors able to commit to more time and locations, we could have improved some footage and areas of our music videos.

    Using Final Cut Pro

    We are using final cut to create our music video, there are loads of possible ways to create a video on this program including different transformations and effects.
    For all of our shots we are using a black and white effect, therefore we used matched colour throughout our project to make sure everything was exactly the same. 

    Due to some of our footage being very dark we had to brighten it using final cut. An example of this would be Tobi was walking up the hill. Doing this made our footage clearer due to a deeper contrast.