Wednesday 30 September 2015

Interview by artist on 'let it go'

As the questions he was asked were in French, here are the translations in English;

  1. Is it true that you were discovered after a fan posted one of your concerts in a pub in London in YouTube?
  2. The legend says that your younger neighbor didn't like you because you played the guitar constantly is it true?
  3. Your first album is called, 'Chaos and Calm do you think its the best definition of you music?
  4. Can you tell us more about your writing process? Do you always start composing with the guitar?
  5. Whats the story behind the piece 'Let it go'?
  6. On stage you play with an acoustic guitar and a Gibson from 1963, is this a passion of yours?
  7. I was at one of your concerts with my friend last night and since then, she hasn't stopped speaking about you, how can I win her back knowing I cannot sing at all?
  8. What are the three pieces/songs that you are listening to at the moment?
  9. Difficult question: Would you prefer recording an album with ''Kings of Leon'' and ''Half Moon Run'' or a featuring video with Michael Jackson?

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Lyric analysis

We have decided to do a lyrics analysis of our chosen song to give us a deeper understanding of the lyrics. This will allow us to translate the lyrics in order to convey the meaning behind the song and our own interpretation of them in our music video. Although, we feel like we already know and understand the song as we knew it previous to this project, we also understand that each song has subliminal messages in it which may help us create interesting shots or scenes.

''Let it Go''

From walking home and talking lows 
Seeing shows in evening clothes with you
From nervous tough and getting drunk
To staying up and waking up with you

This shows a sort of progression and development of the story or relationship he is describing. Although, this may not be directly about his personal relationship, we will assume it is for the purpose of the explanation and the lyrics are about himself and his lover. 

Now we're sleeping near the edge
Holding something we don't need
Oh, this delusion in our heads
Is gonna bring us to our knees

Sleeping near the edge suggests danger, which may be indicating the end of their relationship. 
Also, the word 'sleeping' suggests helplessness and vulnerability to breaking the relationship, and therefore they are incapable to end it, hence why they are 'asleep' and not taking the action.

'Holding something' refers to their relationship. The beginning of the song described the relationship positively where they received love, tenderness and passion from one another. These words indicate this is no longer the case, they are not fulfilling these needs any further and making the relationship less essential. 

the illusion could refer to a happy relationship which seems to be unsuccessful. 'bring us to our knees' is a very powerful statement which highlights the emotional, draining nature of their breaking relationship. 

So come on let it go
Just let it be 
Why don't you be you 
And I'll be me 

This is ultimately him asking her to let go of their relationship. It shows his feelings of not wanting to continue the relationship anymore. However, the lyrics are deeper than just this. They suggest neither of them have been able to be themselves in this relationship, and therefore suppressing their personalities and holding each other back. The last words may be referring to a feeling of freedom that Bay wants. 

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you?
And I'll be me?

James recognises the brokenness of their relationship, and the need to release it which is why he references the breeze. 
It is a very metaphorical line, people say that it connotes letting go of something you love but can't control any more in the same context as a Kite being taken by the wind and never seen again. 

And I'll be me

He repeats this lyric, which makes it stand out to the audience. This could reflect his definite decision or his increasing confidence to break this relationship. Also, instead of a question like the lyrics before, he is telling her that this is the end. Maybe also reassuring himself.

From throwing clothes across the floor
To teeth and claws and slamming door at you
If this is all we're living for 
Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore?

This gives us an insight to the violence, distraction and arguments between the two of them. This also gives us a greater understanding to why he is questioning the reason they are in this relationship together.

I used to recognise myself 
It's funny how reflections change
When we're becoming something else
I think it's time to walk away 

He does not feel like the same person that he was before his relationship. He shows that he doesn't like the way he has changed, and it is time to give up.

So come on, let it go
Just let it be 
Why don't you be you?
And I'll be me?

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you?
And I'll be me?
And I'll be me?

Tryna fit you hand inside of mine
When we know it just don't belong
There's no force on earth
Could make it feel right

The first line is referring to holding hands, which is a natural display of affection between two people that shouldn't require much effort. He explains it in a way that sounds difficult. There hands don't fit together. This is metaphorical of themselves, they don't fit together as a couple. 

He knows it doesn't feel right. There relationship does not feel natural. 

Tryna push this problem up the hill
When it's just too heavy to hold 
I think now's the time to let it slide

She is trying to ignore the problem, but its to big of a problem that they need to talk about it. 

So come on, let it go 
Just let it be 
Why don't you be you?
And I'll be me?

Everything that's broke 
Leave it to the breeze 
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me 

And I'll be me 

So come on, let it go 
Just let it be 
Why don't you be you?
And I'll be me?
And I'll be me

James Bay

Our chosen song


After researching and analysing all different types of music videos, we came across James Bay's music video of 'Let It Go'. This song is a very delicate, touching song that makes the viewer feel calm due to the slow, emotive nature of the music and lyrics. Therefore, we feel this song will accompany our ideas for our music video very effectively.

Furthermore, this is a popular song that is well known by many and played on the radio, so when people watch our music video they will be able to recognise and enjoy the song as well as know the lyrics. We found that the music video for this beautiful song, is ineffective in conveying the passion and emotion that the lyrics provide. Therefore, when planning our own video we will make our video very different to what was offered to James Bay's video, in order to provide a more emotional visual behind his sincere, soulful voice.

James Bay's website provides information about himself and becoming the artist he is today as well as showcasing his events, live music, blog and store.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Music videos that have influenced me

Our plot idea-

We want to create a narrative type of music video as they are becoming increasingly popular. We want it to follow the story of a broken relationship, where in the couple argue and fight. There will be scenes of smashing bottles, alcohol, fire and crying showing how unhappy they feel within the relationship. We hope to connect the audience and make them feel sympathy for the couple, as they argue along with James Bay's emotional song saying 'Let it go' to the relationship. The shots of arguments and violent smashing and fire scenes will look passionate, dramatic, powerful and cold.

We created these ideas when researching thoroughly into music videos. These are some of the main ideas that helped our we found when researching:

We really like the idea of burning pictures in the video, a great example of this is in 'Poison by Rita Ora'. This is showing negative memories wanting to be destroyed. We really like the effect of making one colour standing out in a frame when everything else is black and white. In this example the fire signifies how the past has been painful and wants to be forgotten.

This over the shoulder shot is from 'I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith'. We find this shot very emotive and would therefore like to use something similar in our music video.

These screen shots are from 'Skinny Love by Birdy'. We like these shots as they create a sense of emotion towards the viewer, and make the viewer fixated. These shots make the character look lonely and isolated.

This shot is from 'The A Team by Ed Sheeran'.
We found this music video influential because of the effective black and white theme. We would like to use this effect in our own video as it creates a depressing gloomy atmosphere, which may contribute to the sadness of the story line we are planning.

Here is the music video by The Vamps called 'Somebody to You', we like this music video as it uses both Crossover meaning the singer is also a main character within the music video and also Narrative meaning the music video portrays a story which normally relates to the context of the lyrics within the song.

These images have come from "Story of My Life By One Direction". We like this music video as we like the idea of loads of photographs hanging from the ceiling as they represent memories both good and bad, this expresses a lot about the video and we would like to create the same effect. Within this music video many young memories are shown and then made real by adding in what the people would look like in the present if the picture was taken again, this would be such a good idea, however it would be very hard to get the same effect in our video as the actors we are going to use won't have pictures together when they were younger. 

One idea that we developed was the smashing of a wine glass. We would like to film this and then slow motion it. We want to use wine in particular because the colour will be effective and stand out. Also, the red symbolises love, passion as well as violence, aggression and blood.

We researched on youtube for a video similar in which will help us visualise what we want the shots to look like.

My personal favourites

Beyoncé - Single ladies

I love the black and white footage, lyrics and      
choreography of this video. The lighting and camera shots are really great in this video too. I also love the simplicity of this video which showcase Beyoncé skills in dancing not just singing, as well as the feminist message and female empowering lyrics.

Avicii - Nights

This video makes me feel so positive because it has a really good feel good message which explains we need to live life to the fullest. The video showcases Avicii doing loads of fun and one in a lifetime experiences as well as just taking in the world around him. I feel like it is inspirational to everyone to enjoy live and not stress about the little things but make the most of everything. This is probably one of the most rememberable videos for me. 

Sia - Elastic Heart

This is also another favourite video of mine because it is so captivating to watch. It is definitely one of the most unusual videos which makes it so unique and rememberable. Sia uses the same girl in all her videos, so they are all very similar to this one. I feel like this one is particularly interesting, however, because it is so open to interpretation in what the message is.

''I thought it would be interesting is Shia was working with Maddie as if she's one of his self states, maybe his inner child or maybe one of his demons. We switch between her representing some of his self state'' - Sia

Inspirational music videos

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert- Same Love 
This heartfelt, moving music video is inspirational as it illustrated the fight against discrimination in particular gay marriage. This song was written to support the Washington state referendum 74 to approve gay marriage but now stands to support gay marriage across the whole world.

Katy Perry - Firework

Katy Perry's song promotes self-esteem in this catchy, feel good music video. The stereotypical conventions of neon lights and bright colours in a pop song encourage positive vibes for the viewers. The music video empowers the message of individuality and self-importance. It can be very motivational for insecure fans.

Controversial music videos

"Like a prayer"

This is known as the most conversial music video as listed on the NME. Madonna was known for her raunchy seductive and risque persona, however many considered this music video to have gone too far.

This is because her nature and behaviour was set in a church, which was seen to many as very inappropriate and had hugely upset the Pope himself, who called for Madonna to be banned from singing in Italy due to it.

'Heart-Shaped Box'  
Lyrics from this song include "meat-eating orchids forgive no-one just yet/cut yourself on angel hair and baby's breath/ broken hymen of 'Your Highness' I'm left black/ throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back" as well as references to little girls trying to pick fetuses of a tree and an old man climbing on a crucifix. It is no wonder this song is accompanied by a controversial music video. Nevertheless, the controversy of this music video may have been the reason behind the two MTV VMA awards this music video received for this video in 1994. It was also listed as number 4 on the most controversial music videos list by NME. 


Music video directors

Paul Hunter- 

Hunter has worked with musical artists including Snoop Dogg, Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Mariah Carey, Will Smith, Nicole Scherzinger, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson.
Hunter's directed the music video of Michael Jackson's come-back single, 'You Rock My World' and the award-winning "Lady Marmalade" video for the soundtrack to the film Moulin Rouge! (2001) 

Hype Williams-
He directed the music video for Kanye West's single "All of the Lights", which premiered on February 19, 2011.
As of 2014, Kanye West holds the artist record for working the most times with Williams, the two have collaborated on twenty music videos beginning in 2005 with the music video for "Diamonds from Sierra Leone". Busta Rhymes is second behind West, collaborating with Williams on sixteen music videos, beginning with debut solo music video.

Chris Cunningham-
Cunningham is a British video artist, he has won multiple awards, including an MTV music video award for Breakthrough Video and was nominated for a Grammy for Best Short Form Music Video. 
He also directed Madonna's "Frozen" video which became an international hit and won the award for Best Special Effects at the 1998 MTV Music Video Awards.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Music Video Directors

David Fincher -

David Andrew Leo Fincher was born in August in 1962. He is an American film director, film producer, television director, television producer, and music video director, 

He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director for the romantic fantasy drama The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) as well as drama The Social Network (2010)
He also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Director and the BAFTA Award for Best Direction.

His music videos include Bad Girl and Vogue (Madonna) and Who is it (Michael Jackson)

Jake Nava -

Jake Nava is a music video and TV commercial director who has directed award-winning videos for some of the most well known artists and brands worldwide.

Whilst completing his film, he started his professional career directing music videos and films for MTV sports. After this, he went on to create videos for artists such as Britney Spears and the Rolling Stones. Which then led Nava to create advertising compaigns for the likes of Armani, Puma, Diet Coke, Barcadi and HSBC. 

His videos for Adele "Someone Like You" and Kanye West "Monster" landed Nava in Entertainments Weekly's Top 10 Music Video Directors listing. Other famouse videos that Nava has created are Beyonce "Crazy in Love" and "Single Ladies" in which is still listed by the Times as the 3rd most influencial music video. "Single Ladies" is the 3rd most downloaded video in the world and has won "Video of the Year" by MTV America, MTV Europe and BET Awards, 

conventions of a music video


The lighting in a music video is one of the most important factors of a music video in portraying the mood of the music, and therefore provoking the audiences reaction. In dance music you often have bright, neon lights giving the video a fun, party vide. Artifical lighting can be used to enhance the artists look and make them look more attractive. Another example is Black and White which creates a completely different vibe and therefore mood and message of the music.

Camera Shots- 

Music videos tend to use many long shots, mid shots and closeups. Nevertheless, music videos use a diverse range of camera shots as well as these nowadays. These shots are used to emphasize the artist, location or the emotion they want the audience to feel.  

Camera Movements- 

This is used to follow the artist, band or action. Often, these include tilts, pans, tracking and crane shots.

Mise en Scene - 

Obviously, this will change hugely depending on the artist, music and the vibe they want to create in the music video. However, it refers to the arrangement of performers and props on stage or in the scenes as well as the importance of the representation of something and how they represent it.

Sound - 

Sound is mainly vocals, instrumental or the song itself. Nevertheless, sometimes producers make the music video into a short film. Examples of this are Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and One directions "Best Song Ever".

Props - 

These can be essential in aiding the scene with significance on particular objects or people.


Editing consists of the way the video is changed in order to make a video run more smoothly and therefore make the music video more enjoyable for viewers to watch. This refers to things such as Scene cuts such as Jump cuts as well as other transitions such as fade and dissolve. Also, effects are used often such as filters and added sound. Lastly, the sound can be edited to pitch correct or auto tune to enhance the audio and improve the track.

Friday 18 September 2015

One of the most well known videos of all time

Michael Jackson

The thriller music video was released in December 1983, at which it was the most famous music video but now it continues to be extremely very well known. The American, 13 minute video was directed by John Landis. The genre of music is disco, funk

This music video was MTVs first world premier video which was voted the most influential pop music video of all time. Therefore this shows the massive effect it has on pop culture.

Guinness World Records listed it in 2006 as the 'most successful music video' selling over 9 million copies. A budget of $500,000, and was choreographed by Michael Peters.

"Culturally, historically or aesthetically significant" 

The music video was nominated for

  • MTV video music award for video of the year 
  • MTV video music award for Best Male Video 
  • MTV video music award for Best Concept video 

and awarded for 

  • Grammy award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance -1984
  • MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography -1984
  • MTV video Music Award for viewers choice -1984
  • Grammy award for Best music film -1985
  • MTV Video Music award for Best overall performance -1984 
  • People's choice award for favourite music video -1984

Rank *3 Taylor Swift- "Blank Space"

Taylor Swift
Blank Space

Taylor Swift released her song "Blank Space" in 2014 on November 10th, from her album "1989".
It is described as a Electropop song. The music video was directed by Joseph Kahn, and was shot over 3 days.

"Blank Space" became the fourth video and the fastest to reach 1 billion views on july 7th/8th in 2015, and now is the 3rd most viewed music video on Youtube. This also means Taylor Swift is the most viewed video of female artist.

The music video was nominated for

  • MuchMusic Video Award for International Video of the Year

  • Teen Choice Award for Choice Party Song 

  • Billboard Music Award for Top Streaming Song (video) 

and won awards for 

  • MTV video music award for best Female Video 

  • iHeart Radio Music Award for best lyrics

  • MTV Video Music award for Best Pop Video


Rank *2 Justin Bieber- "Baby"

   Justin Bieber

Baby was released as the lead single from Bieber's debut album called My World 2.0. It was uploaded on February 19th in 2010, and remains the second most viewed music video on youtube to this day. It was the second video ever to reach 1 billion views on March 4th, 2014.

It was nominated for the People's Choice Award for Favourite Music Video.

Baby is a narrative music video type, as it follows a storyline of Bieber and his friends including a girl he likes. This is also a stereotypical convention for an artist like Bieber as it is about relationships and doing fun things such as bowling.

Many close ups of Bieber are used where it feels as if he is singing directly to the viewer, which appeals to the audience. Also, many mid-long shots are used which sometimes showcase Bieber dancing.


Wednesday 16 September 2015

The most viewed music videos

The most viewed music video Rank *1


"Gangnam Style"

Psy's has the most views with his song "Gangnam Style" which came out in July, 2012. This was the first video on youtube to reach 1 billion views.

The Phrase "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam District of Seoul. 

Viewers like this video as it has a memorable catchy beat and an easy to learn dance move that they can dance along with. 

This music video was produced by Park Jae-Sang, yoo Gun-hyung and Yang Hyun-suk. 


The first music video ever broadcasted

The first music video ever to be broadcasted was on MTV on August 1st, 1981. It was a song called "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles. The song was written by Trevor Horn, Geoff Downes and Bruce Woolley in 1978.
At the time, if artists did make videos, they were of the band performing their song, therefore "Video Killed the radio star" was a completely different concept and new to whatever people had seen before.

Monday 14 September 2015

The Andrew Goodwin Theory

Andrew Goodwin identified six features of music videos:

1. Music videos show genre characteristics. For example, A rock video is normally focused around stage performance, whereas a boy or girl band may involve something like a dance routine. 

For example, boy band videos mainly are focused on is love. This shows a variety of mid close-ups showing band members embracing good looking women. 

Just like One directions video 'What makes You  

2. Music videos show a relationship between lyrics and visuals. (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)

The Wanted- Glad You Came

'The sun goes down'

 'Now I'll take you by the hand' 

3. There is a relationship between the music and visuals. In which means the tone, mood and atmosphere reflects that of the music. (either illustrative, amplifying, disjuncture)

illustrative- music videos can use a set of images to illustrate the meaning of lyrics and genre.

Amplify- The meaning of the song are added to by visuals. 

Disjuncture- this is where the meaning of the song is completely ignored in the music videos. 

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and other shots to make them the focus of attention. 

Sam Smith Videos
Lay Me Down
I'm not The only one

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6. There is often intertextual reference. this refers to films, TV programmes, other music videos etc.) 

Types of music videos and their characteristics

A form of popular music which evolved from Rock and Roll and Pop music during the mid and late 1960s

Characteristics of the rock genre

- Bass guitar

- Drum Kit: The fusion of drums and cymbals

- Standard 4/4 time signature

- Wide varitety of lyrical themes

- repetitive hooks and riffs

Example of rock music artists: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and The Kinks

Rhythm and blues, is a genre of popular African-American music that originated in the 1940s.

characteristics of the R&B genre

-steady melody


-high energy and danceable

Example of R&B music artist: Rihanna, Akon, Jessie J, Spice Girls

Heavy Metal
Is a genre of rock music. Heavy metal was developed in the late 1960s


-driving power that the guitar, bass and drums produce through an amplifier. The 'heavy' part is the distortion of the bass and lead guitar.

- loud distorted guitars

- emphatic rhythms

-dense bass-and-drum sound

-vigorous vocals

Examples: Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath

Classical is the art music rooted in the traditions of Western music


-often has two separate melodies

-gradual dynamic change

- orchestra

Examples: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven

Pop music refers to popular music


- focus on melodies and catchy hooks

-dance orientated rhythms

- recording and production is considered more important than live performance

Examples: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber

Friday 11 September 2015

What is the purpose of a music video

Sell a song. A music video helps to provoke a reaction for the audience and leaves the audience remembering the song.

Sometimes a music video gives a listener a understanding of the song. If the music video is narrative.

To entertain the listener.

To show off the artists talents whether, just singing or other things as well. For example in Chris brown's music videos he tends to dance.

Increase exposure.

We can also understand that although a music video is used to help create a story and atmosphere behind a piece of music, they are used mainly as a promotional tool for the artist to increase the attention and sales.

What are the different types of music videos?

There are five different types of music videos. Every music video falls into these, nevertheless many music videos have a combination of all of them.

- showcase
- spectacle
- narrative
- intertextual
- crossover

The most common types of music videos are showcase, spectacle and narrative.


Showcase music videos are videos that showcase the artist, meaning usually the video is filmed completely focused on the band or artist, with maybe sometimes occasional dancers etc. Normally, many close-ups and mid-shots are used to introduce the artist or each member of band to the audience. Therefore, this can be a very useful type of music video for bands such as One direction, Take that and Coldplay.


Spectacle music videos are what could be seen as the unusual, unique or strange videos. They normally involve artists that are a bit different, for example belonging to a less popular genre of music such as indie.

An example of this it the very unique music video of a chart song called Lean On by Major Lazer & DJ Snake.


Narrative music videos are becoming increasingly popular choice of video. Narrative music videos follow a story which normally relates to the context of the song. Therefore, you would expect to see part of a story unfold possibly with a range of different camera shots. As this is an early stage in my development, but I feel like this will be the type I would base my own music video to.

An example of a narrative music video is Taylor Swift's song called 'Love Story'.

These screenshots show the story unfold as the two characters meet first and develop their relationship throughout.


Intertextual music videos are ones in which combine the music video with another piece of media for example, a film or video game. A good example of this is Skyfall by Adele which was a song created for the use of the main theme song to an new releasing film. Therefore, the song's music video was combined with images and scenes for the film 'Skyfall'.

An example of this is Fifth Harmony song 'I'm in love With a Monster' which is a song created and used for the film Hotel Transylvania 2. These screenshots show parts of the music video that involve the band themselves but also scenes of the movie.


A crossover music video show different characteristics of all the different types mentioned above. The most common crossover is a spectacle and a showcase, because the artist is most oftenly part of the spectacle, (storyline).

An example of this is The Vamps music video, Somebody To You ft. Demi Lovato.
In this video, there are scenes focusing on the band where they just play their instruments and sing, as well as scenes of other characters showcasing a storyline of friends. Therefore, this video is a narrative and showcase music video.