Tuesday 22 September 2015

conventions of a music video


The lighting in a music video is one of the most important factors of a music video in portraying the mood of the music, and therefore provoking the audiences reaction. In dance music you often have bright, neon lights giving the video a fun, party vide. Artifical lighting can be used to enhance the artists look and make them look more attractive. Another example is Black and White which creates a completely different vibe and therefore mood and message of the music.

Camera Shots- 

Music videos tend to use many long shots, mid shots and closeups. Nevertheless, music videos use a diverse range of camera shots as well as these nowadays. These shots are used to emphasize the artist, location or the emotion they want the audience to feel.  

Camera Movements- 

This is used to follow the artist, band or action. Often, these include tilts, pans, tracking and crane shots.

Mise en Scene - 

Obviously, this will change hugely depending on the artist, music and the vibe they want to create in the music video. However, it refers to the arrangement of performers and props on stage or in the scenes as well as the importance of the representation of something and how they represent it.

Sound - 

Sound is mainly vocals, instrumental or the song itself. Nevertheless, sometimes producers make the music video into a short film. Examples of this are Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and One directions "Best Song Ever". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_v9MY_FMcw

Props - 

These can be essential in aiding the scene with significance on particular objects or people.


Editing consists of the way the video is changed in order to make a video run more smoothly and therefore make the music video more enjoyable for viewers to watch. This refers to things such as Scene cuts such as Jump cuts as well as other transitions such as fade and dissolve. Also, effects are used often such as filters and added sound. Lastly, the sound can be edited to pitch correct or auto tune to enhance the audio and improve the track.

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