Sunday 10 January 2016

Filming limitation for the First day of filming

While filming shot 2, which involved our actor walking down the street, we discovered that filming a moving picture became very difficult as it became very shakey.  To over come this problem we are going to zoom in on our actor walking instead of us walking with her. We tried attaching the tripod to a bike or skateboard, but the footage was still very shakey and ineffective.

  • Not only this but we filmed most of the footage in the light so it was clear enough, and when editing we made the footage black and white and darker, in order to make to make it look like it is filmed at night.

      • We found it very difficult to find a location to smash bottles, however in the end we were able to uses my back garden. We put down a white bed sheet on the floor and one hanging up this created a full white background and floor to show the liquid smashing inside the bottle more clearly.

      As most of our filming will feature in the night. We have a problem of it being too dark to see the actors. Therefore, we have brainstormed to over come this by making sure we have a car nearby to where we are filming if we need someone to follow use providing a headlight light while we film. Also, we will make sure we have a flashlight with us, as well as locating as much as we can near street lights.

      When planning to film our music video we had planned to complete our filming in one weekend in which both our actors could film together their scenes with them together and their scenes apart in two days. This would ensure that we would not use too much of our actors time. However, one of our actors is a full-time boarder from our school, therefore leaving school is hard on a weekend and his availability is limited. We overcame this by checking when he was defiantly and filming our actors at different times as much as we could, then we planned a short amount of time other day to film other of our actors together. We found this was beneficial as we needed different scenes with different characteristics such as, weather and lighting to show different time periods.

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